Twitter. Facebook. Text....we've all said something in this new era of communication that's harder to erase than it is to forget spoken word.
Like the current story of Paul Chambers who is challenging his conviction for tweeting that he would "blow Robin Hood Airport sky high" if the snow closed airport didn't open in time for him to be able to fly to see his girlfriend. He's charged with causing a menace by the Communications Act. He's chellenging that the conviction is in direct contradiction to the Freedom of Expression Act.
Who's right?
Well, considering it took police officers a week to arrest him for the comment, we can assume the threat of terrorism from Mr Chambers wasn't taken seriously. So why got to such lengths to admonish him for making the statement? It would seem the case is merely a good opportunity for the judicial system to remind us, the general public of the implication and impact our little social 'bites' have on the world and it's fight against terror/bad PR/factual inaccuracies in the tabloid press.
So Tweet carefully people - Big Brother is watching, and he doesn't have a sense of humour!