19 May 2011

Leaked secrets

So Android phones are, apparently 'leaking' your personal information (wasn't it iPhone causing the leaked information furore just a couple of weeks ago?)

We're using smart phones more and more with an ever increasing appetite for technology in the go. It could be argued that we're simply being less precious with protecting our personal information, or perhaps we're naively trusting in our technical gadgets and their suppliers? Or could it be that consumers are just too ambivalent about this kind of virtual intrusion?

When Sony's Playstation network was compromised it seemed that the gaming addicts greatest concern was when they could start online placy again rather than whether their bank account had been raided?

This week alone we've had three briefs dealing with Apps, the App Trap won't go away anytime soon so let's hope that consumer confidence isn't damaged by news like this and it's potenial outcomes.